Catalina Verdugo
I was born in Chile and raised in Florida. As a child, my immediate family moved to the United States, leaving most of my relatives behind in Chile. While I visited them a fair amount, I came to know them more than anything through stories. I grew up admiring their life stories. Particularly those of my relatives who became part of the medical field, either being nurses, doctors, or directors. They influenced my interest in the medical field. But I also had a personal love for engineering. Once, I had the opportunity to visit my aunt one winter at her hospital, where she managed the intensive care unit. Being there, I was able to experience first-hand all the machines used in the process of aiding someone. Amazing creations that were vital to the process. This led me to the field of biomedical engineering. My goal in life is to use my acquired knowledge in innovative ways to give back to anyone who might have a need of it. I plan on accomplishing this through the University of Florida’s BME program. Along the way, I discovered Empowered Prosthetics and became a team leader in the design of the prosthetic. I am dedicated, hardworking person, and with this opportunity, I will do everything in my power to give back to those in need.