Robin Kemperman
I was grown up in the eastside of The Netherlands, more specifically, in a small town called Duiven. As a child I was inquisitive and liked my little chemistry box including simple experimental tools as pH strips. The curiosity of science brought me to the HAN University of Applied Sciences in Nijmegen, where I started the chemistry program in 2010. I figured out quickly that analytical chemistry was my ambition, this led to a research internship of 5 months at RIKILT, an institute of the Wageningen University and Research center, where I worked for Dr. Stolker. My research included method development of veterinary drugs in plants and soil using liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). I developed a strong interest in mass spectrometry, and associated sample preparation methodologies at RIKILT. Closer to the end of my Bachelor program I decided to join the Food & Pharma track, which is a combination of classes and research at the HU University of Applied Sciences in Utrecht. Under supervision of Dr. Chamorro-Perez was my research focused on phytochemical analyses using LC-MS. Whereafter I fulfilled my Bachelor’s degree overseas, to work on my graduation research under the direction of Dr. Yost at the University of Florida. This project included simulated breath analysis on several biomarkers related to the liver disease cirrhosis. I utilized multiple ionization sources combined with MS and high-field asymmetric waveform ion mobility spectrometry (FAIMS). Shortly after graduation I joined the Yost research group as a graduate student (spring 2015).